Why should you think about connecting tables?
Connecting tables you are going to have several benefits, one of them is reducing the amount of times that you have to enter the same information over and over. Reducing this repetitions, you are going to improve consistency and avoid errors. And, another benefit of the best data table is that you can see all related tables in just one click, which facilitates the access of critical information, optimizing your team’s effort.
To be clear, let’s
Let’s give you a very simple case. Let’s say that your company has information about Clients and their Orders.
Why should you think about connecting tables?
You are going to have several benefits after you connect tables – in other words linking them. One of them is reducing the number of times that you have to enter the same information over and over. Reducing these repetitions, you are going to improve consistency and avoid errors.
Another benefit of the best data table is that you can see all related tables in just one click, which facilitates the access of critical information, optimizing your team’s effort.
To be clear, let’s give you a very simple case. Let’s say that your company has information about Clients, Orders and the Status of these orders.
So, you would have three tables : one for the Clients, another one for the Orders, and the last one for group the order by its Status.

The Client table contains information about the Client; the Status table contains just the description of the status (Status name) and whether the current status represents a closed order or not; then the Order table contains simple fields : Order Number, amount and due date – but it also contains references to the tables Client (Client ID) and Status (Status ID).
How should you do that?
As all data are segregated in those tables, you need to add them just one for all orders.
Let’s create a sample, you have two clients. You will add then in bestdatatable once:

Ok, step 1 is done. Ah, by the way, the IDs are automatically created, you do not have to worry about creating those numbers – and they are going to be very useful, as we are going to see.
Now let’s populate the Status table:

That one is easy.
And now let’s see how we can create the Order table!
You should create a table called Order

Then add the fields amount and due date

Now, let’s create the two links to other tables:

Then create a newer field for the Status

It is ready! You created the Connected tabled!
Inserting data into it is a straightforward process:

After inserting all data, you are going to have an Order Table, that refers to Client and Status tables like the following picture

As you can see , you do not have to “type” the value, you are able to select it, from a dropdown, such as:

So, the “Order Number” AKA ID is automatically, you then select the client and the status of these orders, and, eventually, what you need to really type is the “amount” and the “due date”.
Ah, we were forgetting to mention, the date fields are “selectable”, so, you do not type it, instead, select it.

That’s it.
The Result
Finally, the result.

We can generate reports from connected tables and show just the information that we really need! Remember that you have typed the phone number just once for a client? Now, based on that reference (ID) we can consolidate the fields according to the origin table! And , in the picture above, you could have added the address.
In addition, using the filters, we can check just the orders that are in pending: